Thursday, November 23, 2006

Section I : AIR

The atmosphere surrounding the Earth is full of air. The air is made from molecules of different gases. The most common gases are Oxygen and Nitrogen they are about 21% of Oxygen and 78% of Nitrogen. All life in Earth (including animals and plants) need air. We need breath in air to get Oxygen to keeps alive. To photosynthesis, Plants need gasses from air. To survive, Animals need air to get the oxygen.

Some time we can't (hardly) notice the air all around us because we cannot see, touch or taste it. We can feel air when it move and see the effect it has on othet thing, but it's difficult to investigate.

In this section some experiment will help you to investigate air.

Section I : AIR

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Be A Good Scientist

How to Be A Good A Scientist?
  • First of all, Keep a notebook to write down what you do and what happens in your experiments.
  • Before you start, collect all equipment that you need to do your experiments.
  • Watch your experiments very carefully, because sometime your experiments goes very quickly. If that happen you may have to try again.

A Word Of Warning

Some of Science Experiments maybe dangerous. Ask an adult to help you with difficult hammering or cutting and any experiments that involve hot liquids, flames or chemicals. Don't Forget to turn off the heat and to put out any flames when you have finished. REMEMBER : Good Scientists Avoid Accidents.